
Bad news in Malaysia never seem to stop lately and it just gets worse and worse.
There are times where I feel pissed with 'the people in power' but sometimes I feel sad for them, that they are given so much power and they just can't handle it and eventually, abuse it.

We have snatch thefts, smashing windows to grab women's handbags, petrol kiosk robbery and house break-ins in broad day light, kidnapping and gang raping, what are we missing? You name it, Malaysia has it. What has become of our beloved country? How did it come to this state?

I myself am a victim of snatch theft and broad daylight robbery.

4 armed men barged into my dentist one bright morning and started ransacking the whole place and demanding all our valuables, hurting people at the same time. To this day, these tyrants are still roaming free and we were forced by the 'authorities' to sign a document claiming that they 'caught' the suspects and the 'case is closed'.

How do you expect Malaysians to trust the 'authorities' with our safety?

No where is safe anymore. We are living in a Malaysia, where criminals roam free, and civilians become prisoners, crippled by fear, not being able to freely live. Is life meant to be lived this way? 


john.g said…
It's sad, isn't it. Best protection? Guardian angels ;)
Anonymous said…
Very awesome blog !! I couldnt have wrote this any better than you if I tried super hard hehe!! I like your style too!! it's very unique & refreshing…

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