The effects of Music

As most of you may know, I love drawing. Weather I do it well or not, that's a topic for another time.
But yes, I love drawing however of late, I... just... can't, anymore.

No matter how hard I tried, no matter how many pages I sketched and practiced, no matter how many cafes I hop to in search of inspiration, zilch, nada, zero, and it was beginning to annoy me and in fact made me belief that I have indeed been a fraud all these while and I could never draw in the first place, those pieces that I've drawn in the past, are just out of pure luck.

Then it led me to realize that most pieces that I've drawn, are born out of emotions, and not just any emotions, but strong, compelling ones. Ones that are born out of heartbreak, extreme ecstasy, lost, hope.

Since relocating to Melbourne, many would think that I'm living the dream, that I've hit jackpot, and many friends have told me how jealous they were, but the truth is, while yes I've moved to the world's most livable city (well kinda not anymore, according to the stats), it messes quite a lot of things up, well for me at least.

I've lost the momentum and routine I once had. I'm busy trying to adjust and find my rhythm and it has left me utterly and absolutely uninspired and thus, creative juices just don't exist within me anymore. Well, that's not the only thing that's gone, I've lost motivation and the drive that once pushed me to explore and move ahead. Essentially, I've been feeling rubbish.

Then one fine night, I made the decision to have some 'me' time at home, while Sam goes out to hang out with some of our friends visiting from back home. It may sound selfish of me, to choose to be 'antisocial' but I just felt deep in my bones that it was worth it, and much needed.

The night started with some pampering with music going on in the background (when do I not have music playing - Never) and suddenly this song came on and I could almost feel memories and emotions knocking insanely at my window! I opened the window in no time and there I was, smiling to myself and my heart pounding with all sorts of emotions and boy was that exhilarating! I know that's a big word to use but in all honesty, it was exactly how I felt!

And with that, I drew. Strokes and lines started filling the page, uninterrupted.

I'm pretty sure it hasn't just happened to me. I almost forgot the effect music has on creativity.


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